Code of Ethics and Business Conduct

Chapter I General Provisions

Article 1: The Code is established to enhance the management and ethical conduct of Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical (Group) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company"), maintain the order and compliance in Fosun Pharma's operating activities, and increase employees' awareness of national laws, regulations, and company policies in accordance with the Company's actual status.
Article 2: Employees' work ethics are basic requirements for the integrity of the Company. It is critical for the Company to enhance employees' ethical conduct in order to ensure the Company's sustained, stable, and healthy development.
Article 3: Employees of the Company are required to maintain law-abiding work conduct and honesty in work ethics; they shall be committed to the maintenance of the Company's legal rights and healthy development.
Article 4: To enhance employees' work ethics, the Company shall take punitive and preventive measures, with an emphasis on prevention, to strengthen education, solidify the system, improve supervision, and clearly impose reward and punishment.

Chapter II Code of Conduct

Article 5: All employees shall abide by the laws and they shall not encroach and damage the interest of the Company. The following conducts are prohibited:
(1) Embezzlement, theft, fraud, misappropriation of corporate property or establishment and use of hidden reserves by means of positions;
(2) Violation of regulations in using or making use of business entertainment expenses and administrative expenses for personal use;
(3) Abuse of power or neglect of duty that damage company interest or image etc.
Article 6: All employees shall carry out work based on the principle of good faith and may not use their powers for monetary gains. The following conducts are prohibited:
(1) Providing counterparties with properties or financial interests in operating activities for the purpose of obtaining unlawful interests;
(2) Requesting or illegally accepting others' properties or financial interest by means of position or violating national laws or company regulations in accepting various kickbacks and facilitation fees;
(3) Requesting or illegally accepting properties or financial interest provided by suppliers, contractors, or other related third parties in production, business, and management activities such as manufacturing, procurement, sales, and infrastructure; violation of regulations by accepting invitations to meals or high-end entertainment activities from customers, bidders, suppliers, or contractors that may affect the integrity of the duties.
Article 7: All employees shall carry out their duties faithfully and may not conduct any business activities that may conflict with the Company's interest without prior written approval. The following conducts are prohibited:
(1) Conducting business activities that damage the Company's interest or investing in enterprises (non- listed companies) or accepting dry shares of the inenterprises conducting the same business as the Company or related businesses;
(2) Obtaining interests for close relatives or specific related parties and damaging the Company's interest by making use of their powers;
(3) Conducting personal businesses during office hours or making use of the Company's facilities, equipment, or other assets in personal businesses; Use of company resources such as business channels, business information, trade secret, and intellectual property rights obtained through the exercise of duties to conduct personal profit-seeking activities.
Article 8: All employees shall be honest and faithful. The following conducts are prohibited:
(1) Deliberately providing false or fabricated personal information that leads to severe consequences;
(2) Violating the Company's confidential regulations and information security management protocols, obtaining trade secrets illegally or leaking trade secrets and causing material damage or impact on the Company's interest;
(3) Other actions that affect the integrity of duties or severely violate the principle of good faith and work ethics.

Chapter III Implementation and Supervision

Article 9: All employees shall sign the Work Ethics Letter of Commitment (please refer to attachment).
Article 10: The persons in charge of various departments of the Company shall be responsible for implementing the Code and shall include the implementation status in the annual debrief.
Article 11: The Company's Anti-Corruption Supervision Department is responsible for accepting complaints and reports, investigation, and supervision of the implementation of work ethics management regulations in collaboration with the Audit Department and Human Resources Department. The Company's Human Resources Department shall file a processing opinion based on results of investigations or inspections in accordance with related regulations and procedures. It shall also be responsible for implementing the processing opinions after receiving approval from the President of the Company.

Chapter IV Reward and Punishment

Article 12: The work ethics of the Company's employees shall be critical to the review and approval of promotions, and serve as a mandatory basis for hiring and dismissal. Employees who have made outstanding contributions in their work ethics may be given corresponding rewards, honors, and promotions.

Article 13: Punitive measures for violations of the Company's work ethics management regulations include criticism, warning, recovery of funds, economic compensation, deduction of bonuses, demotion, dismissal, administrative sanctions, and termination of labor contracts. If the violator is suspected to breach the criminal law,, he shall be transferred to the judicial organs.
Article 14: Employees who disagree with the disposition or punishment may appeal to the Company's Human Resources Department for review, who shall organize a reconsideration in accordance with related regulations and procedures. The execution of the original decision shall not be suspended during review period.

Chapter V Supplementary Provisions

Article 15: The Company's subsidiary companies shall comply with the Code or follow instructions contained herein.

Article 16: The Code shall be interpreted by the Company's Human Resources Department and Anti- Corruption Supervision Department.
Article 17: The Code shall be effective from the date of its approval in a meeting presided by the President of the Company. The "Fosun Pharmaceutical Group Employee Code of Ethics and Business Conduct" published on December 11, 2012 shall be abolished at the same time.
Article 18: Attachment: "Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical (Group) Co., Ltd. Employee Code of Ethics and Business Conduct Letter of Commitment" Complaint service channel:
Anti-Corruption Supervision Department of the Company
Complaint service telephone number: (86) 021-33987226
Complaint service email:
Contact address: Anti-Corruption Supervision Department of the Company, Building A, No. 1289 Yishan
Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai
Postal Code: 200233


Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical (Group) Co., Ltd.

Employee Work Ethics Letter of Commitment

I hereby declare that I have thoroughly studied the "Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical (Group) Co., Ltd. Employee Code of Ethics and Business Conduct" and I have learned and understood the content of the Code, the regulations that ought to be followed and the corresponding responsibilities. I shall consciously abide by the law and faithfully maintain the interest of Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical (Group) Co., Ltd. I shall conduct business in an ethical manner, remain faithful to my duties, and I shall not take advantage of my position and conveniences at work to obtain unlawful interests or damage the interest of the Company.
I hereby solemnly committed to being supervised by the Company and employees and I shall not carry out the following conducts:
(1) Embezzlement, theft, fraud, misappropriation of corporate property or establishment and use of hidden reserves by means of positions;
(2) Violation of regulations in using or making use of business entertainment expenses and administrative expenses for personal use;
(3) Abuse of power or neglect of duty that damage company interest or image etc.
(4) Providing counterparties with properties or financial interest in operating activities for the purpose of obtaining unlawful interests.
(5) Requesting or illegally accepting others' properties or financial interest by means of positions or violate national laws or company regulations in accepting various kickbacks and facilitation fees;
(6) Requesting or illegally accepting properties or financial interest provided by suppliers, contractors, or other related third parties in production, business, and management activities such as manufacturing, procurement, sales, and infrastructure; violation of regulations by accepting invitations to meals or high-consumption entertainment activities from customers, bidders, suppliers, or contractors that may affect the integrity of the duties.
(7) Conducting business activities that damage the Company's interest or investing in enterprises (non-listed companies) or accepting dry shares of enterprises conducting the same business as the Company or related businesses;
(8) Obtaining interests for close relatives or specific related parties and damaging the Company's interest by making use of their powers;
(9) Conducting personal businesses during office hours or making use of the Company's facilities, equipment, or other assets in personal businesses; Use of company resources such as business channels, business information, trade secrets, and intellectual property rights obtained through the exercise of duties to conduct personal profit-seeking activities.
(10) Deliberately providing false or fabricated personal information that leads to severe consequences;
(11) Violating the Company's confidential regulations and information security management protocols, obtaining trade secrets illegally or leaking trade secrets and causing material damage or impact on the Company's interest;

(12) Other actions that affect the integrity of duties or severely violate the principle of good faith and work ethics.

Acceptor signature: _____________
Date: ___________
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